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👉If you bring unique value, sponsor/become a provider!

👉Our subscribers win free gifts. If you have something to give, Contact Us, let us know!


We Don't Charge Innovators Serving the Industry to be Interviewed.

We exist to educate & excite our subscribers!

Featuring Stand-Out Experts & Innovators Serving the Medical Spa Industry

What Do You Get When You Are Spotlighted on MedspaTrends.TV?

Our interview is featured on our channels & promoted nationally

You get branded & optimized clips for the platforms of your choice

Knowledge is Power

Stay meaningfully seen & heard.

Are you an innovator

serving the medical spa industry?

Are you carving new paths

and improving lives?

Are you a credible thought-leader

who enjoys inspiring others?

Do you enjoy being in the spotlight

educating & sharing with others?

Do you want to be discovered

via credible, branded video?

Do you want to be discovered

via credible, branded video?

If your marketing team needs great content, or, if you need a very well-priced marketing team:

ApexOutcomes is a Perfect Pairing with Growth99.

...for Startups,

...or, for invigorations!

If you're a practice owner, supplier, drug company, manufacturer, or aesthetics marketing agency, you can also hire ApexOutcomes to:

👉Create video content for you monthly.

👉Design for you.

👉Write for you.

👉Edit copy & videos for you
👉Help you strategically with new launches, or re-invigorations.

You'll Be Thrilled & Well-Guided

👉ApexOutcomes creates informative content and social credibility for you, and you learn a lot through our mentorship and guidance!

We plan & record Zoom interviews with you, every month.

Our long-form interview can get you featured in the Providers Spotlight playlist on, and the interviews posts as a podcasts too.

You can opt to get edited clips, reels, & shorts from the interview for your marketing.

👉Then, if you need a well-priced, a performance-based marketing team: Growth99 can help you get seen through SEO, & promoted through paid media!